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The following is intended to aid National Lifeguard candidates with certain physical and technical skills in preparation for the final evaluation.  NLS candidates must practice each of the following items outside of class and record their results.  Include dates, time, location and people you practiced with in your report. The numbers in brackets next to each item indicates the minimum number of occasions this item must be successfully practiced outside of class.

Spinal Boarding (1)

Description: Immobilize and stabilize an unconscious and breathing face down victim in shallow water suffering a suspected cervical spinal injury.

Goal: Work as a team to effectively treat a victim with a suspected spinal injury.

Notes: This item requires effective and ongoing communication between rescuers and the public.  This item is completed with 2 lifeguards and 1 untrained bystander.

Elements of focus: Immobilization, ABCs, Recruit Assistance, EMS/AED, Stabilization, Follow-up.

Submerged Victim Rescue (1)

Description: Recover a submerged non-breathing victim without a rescue aid and initiate CPR protocols.

Notes: Victim is located 5 meters from deck.  Barrier devices MUST be used.

Elements of focus: Victim's airway is protected on ascent.  EMS/AED is first priority after removal.  Gloves on, head-tilt/chin-lift, check for breathing, 2 breaths with mask, compressions.

20lb Brick Recovery (≥3)

Description: Swim a 15 meter approach, recover a 20lb brick from the pool bottom, return to the surface and carry the brick 5 meters placing it on the pool deck.

Goal: Complete this item within 35 seconds.  If you want a challenge, perform this item keeping two hands on the brick at all times.

Notes: Lifeguard's head is out of the water and brick is at the surface during transport.

Approach and Carry (≥3)

Description: Swim a 15 meter head-up approach to contact a distressed or drowning victim in deep water.  Carry the victim 5 meters to pool side supporting their head and shoulders above water.

Notes: Rescuer should approach and lift the victim in a way that it is unlikely for the victim to grasp them.  This item is performed without a rescue aid.  Rescuer cannot make contact with pool bottom at any point during the rescue.

Endurance Challenge (≥3)

Description: Swim 400 meters in 9:30 minutes or less.

Notes: This is a continuous swim - no stopping or resting.  Lifeguard cannot make contact with pool bottom at any point.

Submerged Victim Drill (≥2)

Description: Entry and approach 25 meters to recover a submerged victim.  Carry the victim back to point of entry.

Goal: Complete this item within 80 seconds.

Notes: Rescuer cannot make contact with pool bottom except during victim retrieval (initial kick off for ascent).  Victim's head must be supported above water during carry.  Item is performed without a rescue aid.

Underwater Swim (≥3)

Description: Surface dive to recover an object and swim 15 meters underwater to recover a second object.

Goal: Perform this skill without goggles or nose clips.  Swim with eyes open!

Notes: Objects are small and easy to see.  Ensure you are adequately supervised by a peer for this skill.  Voluntary hyperventilation must be avoided.

Head-up Sprint Challenge (3)

Description: Swim head-up (eyes forward) 50 meters in 55 seconds or less.

Goal: Do this drill using only head-up front crawl.

Challenge: Perform same item in: 40sec (gold), 45sec (silver), 50sec (bronze).

Notes: Head-up swim, eyes forward. 

Spinal Carry (≥3)

Description: Approach and immobilize a cervical spinal-injured victim face down in deep water.  Carry the victim 15 meters while maintaining immobilization.

Notes: Rescuer cannot make contact with pool bottom at any point.  Victim's airway must be supported above water surface after rollover.

Object Support (≥1)

Description: While treading water, support a 10lb object at the surface using one or both hands.

Goal: Maintain object at surface for 3 minutes.

Challenge 1: Hold the brick over your head while keeping your head out of the water for 60sec.
Challenge 2:
Perform same item keeping the brick at the surface for: 10:00 (gold), 8:00 (silver), 6:00 (bronze).

Notes: Lifeguard cannot make contact with pool bottom at any point.  Object is supported at the surface.  Lifeguard's head is maintained above water.  The use of eggbeater is recommended.

Victim Tow (≥1)

Description: Tow a passive victim 50 meters using a suitable buoyant aid (ring buoy, flutter board, rescue can or tube, PFD, etc).

Goal: Complete distance in: 1:06 (gold), 1:17 (silver), 1:28 (bronze).

Notes: Rescuer and victim start in the water.  Victim does not help rescuer by kicking or pushing off the walls.  Rescuer cannot make contact with pool bottom at any point.

25m Sprint (≥3)

Description: Swim 25 meters dive start.

Goal: Complete distance in: 15sec (gold), 17sec (silver), 22sec (bronze).

Notes: Any stroke may be used.

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